Sustainable development

The Montreal International Triathlon is proud to present the various sustainable development measures implemented for our event. We strongly believe that it is essential to unite sport, the environment and local culture to contribute to a more sustainable future. By promoting environmentally responsible practices and engaging with our community, we can inspire initiatives and create a more sustainable world for generations to come.


We would like to thank our partner, RECYC-QUÉBEC, who supports us in this environmental transition and in our mission to make the sport event industry more sustainable.




Consume better


We are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our event and we know that this responsibility is not limited to our organization. This is why we have chosen to share with you the awareness campaign created by RECYC-QUÉBEC on the importance of reducing, reusing and repairing in order to limit the amount of residual materials that are reaching worrying heights.



Each year, we seek to significantly reduce the amount of waste produced during the event by :


  • Valuing the 3R-VE principle; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Dispose,
  • Eliminating all single-use plastics on site, with the exception of sealed bottles that are required by the international federation for elite athletes
  • Continuously improving our waste management,
  • Reusing as much as possible our signage at each edition,
  • Providing water filling stations on site,
  • Distributing reusable water bottles and glasses,
  • Reducing the number of printed materials for communications,
  • Rethinking the food offer,


In 2022, we diverted approximately 73% of the waste collected during the event from landfill. We were able to divert more than 960 kg of food waste that was used to produce biogas.


We would like to remind our visitors and stakeholders of the importance of properly disposing of residual materials on our event site. To help you in this process, we invite you to use the RECYC-QUÉBEC application Ça va où?, which will allow you to know how to sort and dispose of your waste and recyclables in a responsible manner. If in doubt, please refer to this application to help reduce our environmental footprint.




Vivats 2022 Award - Tourism Montreal Distinction

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In 2022, the Montreal International Triathlon is a finalist for the Vivats Emerging Talent Award, as well as the Vivats RECYC-QUÉBEC Award for responsible waste management. The event received the Tourisme Montréal Distinction for having implemented practices that encourage sustainable development and for the positive impact on the local community.


Supporting a local and responsible economy 


In addition to our commitment to sustainability, our organization aims to have a positive impact on the local community by fostering partnerships with local businesses and socially conscious organizations.


By attracting participants from outside the region, we also contribute to the local economy by generating revenue for businesses such as hotels, restaurants and stores. Overall, our organization is dedicated to promoting sustainability while having a positive impact on the local economy and fostering a sense of community involvement.


Montreal International Triathlon is also committed to environmental awareness and education through a variety of measures including:

  • Promoting the training of volunteers as eco-responsible ambassadors,
  • Promoting the communication of eco-friendly measures, the option of not receiving a medal and sustainable gifts,
  • Encouraging our stakeholders to implement sustainable practices,
  • Supporting local communities and engaging in community missions.