Water Quality

The World Triathlon Para Series Montreal 2024 is governed by the highest swimming water quality standards of World Triathlon, the international triathlon federation. These have been established in accordance with World Health Organization (WHO) and European public health standards. And good news! Parc Jean Drapeau's water meets all these requirements with flying colors.

Water quality tests to be submitted to World Triathlon

Two (2) months before the competition on May 9th 2024 - 1st test results are available

The water quality is excellent. As of May 09th, the water analysis results for 3 main factors of water quality were:
– Fæcal enterococcus is 0 CFU/100 mL (TRI standards no more than 200 CFU/100 mL)
– Escherichia coli is 1 CFU/100 mL (TRI standards no more than 500 CFU/100 mL)
– pH 8.4 (TRI standards between 6 and 9)

Seven (7) days before the competition on June 21th 2024 - to be added

The first day of the competition on June 29th 2024 - to be added

Additional tests may be conducted at the request of the International Federation Technical Delegate in conjunction with the results previously obtained. If the water quality tests show values outside the stated tolerance limits, World Triathlon will cancel the swim portion, unless the World Triathlon Medical and Anti-Doping Committee indicates otherwise. 

The team is available at all times to answer your questions regarding water quality. Do not hesitate to contact us at: info@triathlonmontreal.com